Cookie policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are simple text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device by a website's server. Each cookie is unique to your web browser. It will contain some anonymous information such as a unique identifier, website's domain name, and some digits and numbers.

What types of cookies do we use?

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies ensure that the website works properly. They enable adding items to your shopping basket, and help secure the website.

Name Expiry Content Purpose
balhallafestival_vzw_session At the end of the session A sequence of characters Links your basket to the session

How to delete cookies?

You can simply withdraw your consent by modifying your choice in the consent window at the top of this cookie policy. A link to this consent window is also provided at the bottom of each web page.

If you wish to know which cookies have been saved on your device or if you can delete them, you can use a parameter of your browser. You will find more information on how to do it via the following links.

Do you use another browser?Check if the procedure for your browser is mentioned on the website

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this cookie policy or our use of cookies, you can contact us at